Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Political Cartoons #1

     This political cartoon is about the purchase of Alaska. The cartoonist message about this cartoon is basically saying that William Seward bought a chunk of ice. I can see somewhat of an opinion of the Russian side because the person is being happy and gleeful that he got a bag of money and gave some of his land away. A technique I saw the cartoonist used labeling as a technique. I know this because the cartoonist literally used the words "Russian America" and "Treaty". 
     Another technique i saw in this political cartoon was exaggeration. I say there is exaggeration because William didn't physically put Alaska in a wheel barrel and bring it to America. No, he just bought the land and made it Americas territory. This political cartoon supports my position on American imperialism as a good way and not bad.  I believe this because America made a treaty with Russia and America didn't have to go into war with them for the territory. the got it peacefully and not violently.

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